Been in office for about 3 hours and have done nothing useful...I am in no mood today to do anything... Want to sleep.. Had less than 3 hours of sleep yesterday. Moving into my apartment took the life out of me.. SLept only at 5 in the morning.. It was fun to sleep with a roomie.. and its an exciting time for somebody who hasnt been in hostel till now.. So coming back to our house.. ITs pretty well furnished now.. we have tv, music player, microwave and other BASIC essentials.Got a stand for TV and Mplayer too yesterday.. Spent some time with roomies.. it was dam fun when 4 boys get together in a cacophonous melange.. we spoke everything from Rubik cube to the best cereal available.
Came to UMBC in the morning.. Missed the TA training session due to yours sincerely waking up late. went to UHS to get PPD test. Some ppl feel palani is a long name. so they shrink it and call me Pal.. wierd!!! Headed to the lib to get a book on gen stuff,, couldnt lay my hands on it.. so settled for another.. lets see how it turns out to be..
Let me see if i can read anything useful today..
what do u exactly mean by "sleeping with roomie is fun" ?
Poor roomie! He wouldnt have known abt u.
De monkey... give em ur real name(mojo/monk)... pal is a yuck nick name... too generic...
How dare you say "sleeping with roomie is fun"!!! See now amrit is in tears....
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